Apr 2, 2018
Grab your seat in Relationship Rx!
When you are at odds with your partner, it’s highly likely that the two of you go over and over the exact same topic and get a shit-ton of NOWHERE. Perhaps you are discussing if the kids should go to public or private school or how much is reasonable to spend on new fencing for the yard or who’s responsible for taking the dog to the vet. Each of you have a strong opinion, yet it seems like you both aren’t making any headway with the other person.
Why does this happen? Like, over and over. I’ll tell you why: Because most of the time, we’re more concerned with being “right” than we are concerned about really, truly understanding our partner. But, they’re being so unreasonable! Um, yeah. So are you.
This episode is the first of a two part series which addresses communicating effectively with your partner. In this episode, we cover off the most common (and wildly unsuccessful) communication tactics that many couples employ to get their points across. This lesson is all about examining what hasn’t been working and calling it out so you can learn aaaall the effective tools next week. #yourewelcome
This pod explores:
Ever feel like you’re banging your head against the wall by having the same god-damned convo over and over and over and continuing to get absolutely nowhere?
Just imagine being able to have thoughtful, intimate conversations with your partner where you both feel heard and understood. Wait, whaaaaa!?
No matter what state your relationship may be in… Whether you are super happy, kinda happy, or not-at-all happy, this course will radically change how you communicate and connect with your spouse. Even if they aren’t on board. Even if you already know what they’ll say.
Clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to snag your spot and start the process of creating a relationship you LOOOOOVE. #yesplease
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you've been diggin' the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it's #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to join the group! #yourewelcome
Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!