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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Mar 30, 2015 Ever wonder if there is free pass to tell a white lie? Is it ever okay to not be completely truthful? Okay to withhold information? This week’s topic comes to you courtesy of another listener who wants to know, “Is it ever...

The post Telling the Truth: The Low-Down on Honesty...

Mar 23, 2015 Ever wonder why you sometimes shut off your emotions? Wonder why you are sometimes paralyzed by fear? Ever feel something so strongly that you think you MUST take action? In this episode, Amy give an introductory lesson on our emotions and how...

The post Emotions 101: Dealing with...

Mar 16, 2015 The first mailbag episode of The Joy Junkie Show Podcast! In this episode, Amy answers questions from listener submissions that range from finding your personal spirituality to what to do if you have a friend that has become unavailable. Also up for...

The post Mailbag: Answers to...

Mar 9, 2015 Ever see people who are super confident and wonder what their secret is? What do all these confident people have figured out that you don’t? Want to go after certain things in your life but struggle finding the confidence to do so?...

The post Cultivating Confidence [TJJS:EP091] appeared...

Mar 2, 2015 Learning how to say “NO” to others can be one of the most challenging issues we deal with on a regular basis. “What if I let them down?” “What if I disappoint them?” You know the drill. It isn’t uncommon to find...

The post How to Say “No” [TJJS:EP90] appeared first on