Apr 27, 2015
www.TheJoyJunkie.com/98 Ever find yourself dying for some alone time but you’re afraid if you ask for it, you will be deemed “selfish”? Know you really don’t want children but people tell you that’s “selfish”? Find yourself guilted into shit you don’t want to...
The post 4 Reasons Why ‘Selfish’...
Apr 20, 2015
www.TheJoyJunkie.com/97 Ever wonder if there is something *wrong* with you because you have ZERO pull, urge, or desire to be a parent? Have well-meaning people in your life tell you why having children is the ONLY way to be a fulfilled human? Have...
The post Child-free by Choice in Child-Obsessed World [TJJS:EP097]...
Apr 13, 2015
www.TheJoyJunkie.com/96 Based on a previous episode from a few week’s back, this episode targets how to stand up for yourself with some of the most sticky dynamics: Taking a Stand with Family. Oftentimes, it is easier for us to muster the courage to...
Apr 6, 2015
www.TheJoyJunkie.com/95 A listener recently wrote into the show looking for ways to stop saying “I’m sorry” all the time. Perhaps you find yourself in a similar boat. Commonly, we find ourselves apologizing or over-explaining our choices, beliefs, affinities, dislikes, whatever, which more often...