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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Sep 26, 2016

Feeling selfish Feeling selfish Ever find yourself dying for some alone time but you’re afraid if you ask for it, you will be deemed “selfish”? Know you really don’t want children but people tell you that’s “selfish”? Find yourself guilted into shit you don’t...

The post

Sep 19, 2016

Secret to happiness Secret to happiness So you’ve checked all the boxes. You got a good education. You settled down and got married. You pursued the career. You even bought the house, had the kids, the whole thing. And yet, you still wake up some...

The post 6 Things You Must Address to Live a...

Sep 12, 2016

Speak up for yourself Speak up for yourself We all want to consider ourselves honest people, but when it comes down to it, we spend quite a bit of time avoiding, fibbing, and sugar-coating our true thoughts and feelings out of fear of what...

The post 4 Things You Must Stop Lying About + What to...

Sep 5, 2016

Stop being a perfectionist Stop being a perfectionist I used to flippantly refer to myself as a Perfectionist and oftentimes I would elude to it being somewhat of a badge of honor. As I got older and my anxiety increased, I realized that being...

The post The Poison of Perfectionism and What To...