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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jan 26, 2015 If you are a busy professional, student, or parent (or a blend), you surely know the slippery slope of being so caught up in your “to-do’s” that you easily lose sight of taking care of yourself. First, the workouts may slip, then...

The post 4 Things You Must Know about Self-Care...

Jan 19, 2015 Ever find yourself saying, “As soon as I get a new job, then I’ll be happy” or “If I could just shed this extra weight, then I’ll really start living” or something similar? For many of us, we take the goals we...

The post 4 Ways to Love Yourself When You’re Far From Where You...

Jan 12, 2015 If you have found yourself in a situation where you absolutely dread going to work each day, this episode is for you! Working in a soul-sucking J-O-B can dramatically affect your entire life… and usually not in a good way. In this...

The post How To Escape from a Shitty Job [TJJS:EP083]...

Jan 5, 2015 At this time of the year everyone is super pumped and determined to create a completely different year than the one prior. It’s no surprise that many people fall of the bandwagon by February (if they’re lucky) and usually wait to get...

The post How to NOT Fuck Up Your New...