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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Nov 28, 2022

Ever feel like you just can’t quite enjoy the holidays because you’re in the middle of an emotional shitstorm that seems to make the season trying, stressful, and overwhelming? Maybe it’s your first holiday after being newly divorced. Or maybe it’s the fifth Christmas without your beloved mother, and you can’t...

Nov 21, 2022

Ahhhhh, the holidays. The lovely time of year where your mom pesters you about why you don’t go to church anymore. Or your aunt gives you shit for not having kids or not being married. Or your uncle gets in a heated (uncomfortable) “discussion” about gun rights. Your favorite, amiright? Or perhaps you’re...

Nov 14, 2022

Let’s say you want to go for a promotion at your work, but your inner voice keeps telling you that you’re an imposter. Who are you to go for this job? Or maybe you are thinking of starting your own business, but you know you’re lacking some serious confidence. Don’t you have to be super confident right off the...

Nov 7, 2022

Applications are open now for my Mexico Retreat!

Ever see super confident people and wonder how-the-hell they became so sure of themselves? Ever wonder if they were just born that way or if someone taught them or if some life experience shaped them into that person who oozes confidence and self-assuredness? However they...