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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jun 24, 2019

We’re back this week with a Community Favorite episode. Why? Well, if you’ve been following our move to North Carolina, you may know we are in the process of buying a home. While we are off doing some #adulting, we are re-airing a pod topic that has been the focus of many conversations in the Joy Junkie After Hours...

Jun 17, 2019

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Someone catches you completely off guard and lays into you about something you did/didn’t do and everything in you wants to tell them where they can shove it. But instead, you brush it off, telling yourself it’s just not worth it. But is it over? The confrontation – Yes. The...

Jun 10, 2019



You have a big decision to make. Maybe it’s about a new job. Or if you should move across the country. Maybe ending a relationship… or starting one. And, you are totally fucking confused. Your head is spinning around in The Land of What Ifs. What if you don’t make the right choice? What...

Jun 3, 2019


Ever find yourself desiring deep, rich connections with your partner or your friends and family but have a hellova time letting your guard down? Maybe you even find yourself craving deep intimacy but you’re absolutely terrified to really “be seen”. I mean, isn’t it just safer to stay...