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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Aug 25, 2014 It’s not uncommon to hear personal development experts talk about doing things “that light you up”. But, what if you don’t know what lights you up or don’t even know what that phrase means? Perhaps you know you want to be happy,...

The post How-the-Hell to Find “Your Joy” a.k.a....

Aug 18, 2014 Even though it’s somewhat taboo, many people in marriages or committed relationships find themselves seriously attracted to other people at some point during their relationship. This often spurs thoughts about being a bad person, a horrible spouse, or thinking that something is...

The post

Aug 11, 2014 Another awesome suggestion from a listener! If you’ve been telling yourself, “Man, I really need to get in shape” or “I really need to start working out”, but have failed to do anything about it, this episode is a must listen. In...

The post 6 Steps to Becoming Physically Fit...

Aug 4, 2014 Ever wonder if it’s actually possible to have a thriving marriage (or relationship) AND dedicate yourself to raising amazing children at the same time? If you’re like most people, chances are, your marriage takes a backseat to all things child-rearing, leaving you...

The post Childolatry:...