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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jun 29, 2015 Ever feel like that *one* person you work with just might be the death of you with their sour attitude and overt pessimism? Feel like your job would be so amazing if this *one* person didn’t work with you? A listener wrote...

The post How to Deal with Shitty Work Relationships [TJJS:EP106]...

Jun 15, 2015 If you have ever had differences of opinions with your family members, you know that these topics can rapidly become uncomfortable, nasty, and problematic… not to mention leaving you shrouded by guilt and fear of what your family thinks of you. If...

The post Help! I Don’t Believe in...

Jun 8, 2015 If you’re like many people delving into the growth-filled world of personal development, you may have started to notice that not the people in your life like or support the “new you”. Perhaps you’ve started standing up for yourself, started establishing boundaries,...

The post What...

Jun 1, 2015 Ever get a pit in your stomach when you know your partner finds someone else attractive? Ever deal with the super-awkward convo around porn and what role it plays in your partner’s life or in your relationship? Ever wonder if monogamy is...

The post Sexual Taboos: A Discussion on...