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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jan 22, 2018


Every so often, I do a special episode of the podcast that focuses on specific questions submitted by the PODiance. On this week’s episode, I tackle three listener submissions that you may find helpful.

One listener was unclear on knowing the difference between taking some down for herself and when she was slipping into isolating behavior. I mean… she does have 2 kids, a hubs, and a full-time job to worry about, so is she just trying to chill-the-F-out at the end of the day or is she running from her probs? Ever wonder if your “relaxation behaviors” are actually good for you? Yep. Have a listen, my friend.

Another listener wanted to figure out why she couldn’t just “get over it” or “let it go” after she got into an argument/discussion with her partner. Why did she feel so unresolved? Why did she still have pent-up emotion about the whole thing? If you’ve ever felt like you resolved something with your spouse but somehow you just don’t feel resolved, you’ll have to have a listen.

Finally, I answer a question posed by a listener worried that her partner never owns or even acknowledges his shit… his piece in the matter. Like, any matter. As he continues to turn the blame on her, she has been left wondering if she is #cray or if he’s simply not taking any responsibility. Never fear… I sound off on the exact way to approach an instance like this!

This pod explores:

  • How to know if you are just chillin’ out with yo’ glass of wine/netflix/online shopping or if you are actually running away from shit you are afraid to face (you’ll probably be surprised by my answer!)
  • How to really “get over” an argument with your partner
  • How to figure out what your fights with your partner are really about (It’s actually NOT about leaving the shoes out, the unpaid bill, or who’s taking Brayden to soccer practice)
  • The number one question you need to ask your spouse so they actually start listening to you (I know. No shit.)



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  • Join the After Hours Club: Join the rest of the pod-iance in our secret pod peep group for weekly discussions, extra trainings, and tons of freebies

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