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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jul 27, 2020


Listen. ⁠⠀
I don’t know ANYONE who is thriving right now.
Seriously a n y o n e
Shit is beyond crazy.⁠ Like many of us may not see again in our lifetime.
If you have been trying to operate like “business as usual” you probably need to knock that shit off.
It is NOT business as usual....

Jul 20, 2020


Hey everyone, Darlene here, Amy’s behind the scenes podcast ninja. Amy and Mr. Smith are taking some vacation time this week. So, I am stepping in to share a popular archived, Community Favorite episode: Six Things You Must Address for a Happy Life.  Mr. and Ms. Smith will be back in your ears next...

Jul 13, 2020


If you took a look around you… to all of your close relationships, would they all be reciprocal? Do you have people in your world who constantly deposit into the “account” of your life or are they perpetually withdrawing? Do you ever feel like you give, and give, and give, and get nothing in...

Jul 6, 2020


Recently, in one of my classes, the topic came up about how our relationships start to change as we get further and further into personal development. Sometimes you come up against some opposition from a handful of peeps in your life who don’t really love the “new, empowered you”… The “you”...