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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jan 31, 2022

So, you consciously “know” that you should allow room to feel your emotions and cultivate vulnerability (Hi, Brené!) but why don’t you actually practice accessing your emotional self? I’ll tell you why. Logic, reason, and rationale are housed in the conscious part of the mind which is estimated to be roughly...

Jan 24, 2022

You know that thing where you consciously understand that you are worthy and “enough” but you struggle to actually believe it? Well, there’s a very real reason for that, so no, you aren’t uniquely broken. Like, at all. It has everything to do with the subconscious part of the mind and how it truly runs our...

Jan 17, 2022

You’re livid. Heads are about to roll. Maybe you found out that your partner didn’t take care of an important issue at your child’s school leaving you scrambling at the last minute. Or perhaps your sister went behind your back and shared something with other family members when you specifically asked her not to....

Jan 10, 2022

On April 15, 2013, Jennifer Kauffman was standing approximately 15 feet from the finish line bombing at the 117th Boston Marathon. It goes without saying that surviving this terrorist attack left Jennifer with a litany of physical and emotional wounds to tend to. After addressing the emergent physical healing, Jennifer...

Jan 3, 2022

At the start of every year, it’s likely you get pumped up and excited to make some serious change. You decide on a handful of things that you are GOING to conquer this year, god-damn-it! But what actually makes those goals a reality?

Throughout my decade-plus in this work, I have found that noble intentions have very...