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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Oct 24, 2022

Ever find yourself cruisin’ through Facebook, just minding your own business, and then BOOM! You see someone who is thinner than you posing in her bikini in her exotically sexy, annoying vaca pics and you instantly start comparing yourself to her. Or maybe it’s that one guy you used to work with sharing about his...

Oct 17, 2022

You’ve been in the same industry for 20 years and you’re dying to make a change but you’re scared shitless to throw in the towel. Wouldn’t that mean you wasted two decades?

You’re not totally sure you’re getting your Master’s because it’s what YOU really want or if it’s because that’s what dad...

Oct 10, 2022

Most folks (maybe even you) who have a love affair with achievement and accomplishment, find that their tenacity and attachment to perfection has created a ton of significant success in their lives. Maybe they even wear the “over-achiever” label as a badge of honor. Sound like you? Maybe your constant striving and...

Oct 3, 2022

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You get a Bachelor’s degree, but it doesn’t really feel like enough, so you apply for a Master’s program. You attain the Master’s but turns out, it doesn’t feel like enough either, so you start your own business. You set the goal to make six figures in your business, but when...