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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Apr 30, 2014 Ever find yourself talking mad-shit to yourself in your own mind? Maybe stating what you aren’t capable of, why you can/can’t do something, or reminding you how fat/ugly/incompetent/fill-in-the-blank you are? Sound familiar? Well, you are certainly not alone. Many (if not all) of us...


Apr 23, 2014 Ever feel like you’re on to something, and then all of a sudden an inner voice pops in and destroys your thunder? Ever spiral into an overwhelming place of self-doubt? Ever put on the breaks on because your inner shit-talker is just too loud?...

The post What To Do When You Doubt Yourself with...

Apr 16, 2014 If you are like most people, you probably have at least one HUGE goal, dream, or aspiration that you would love to accomplish in your lifetime. So, what’s stopping you? Probably all the things that stop most people: overwhelm, unsupportive people in your life,...

The post Going After Goals:...

Apr 9, 2014 If you have ever found yourself at odds with your dearest love ones due to their not-so-supportive notions about who you’re dating or who you married, then you have to listen to this week’s episode! Amy is joined by psychologist, Gemma Stone, as they...

The post What to do When Your...

Apr 2, 2014 Ever been in a situation where your heart knows a relationship has run its course, but your mind rationalizes all the reasons you should tough it out? Um… yeah. Super common. And, painful. And, shitty. In this episode, Amy is joined by Life Coach,...

The post When/How to Let Go of a...