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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Apr 25, 2016

Keep Love Alive Keep Love Alive Ever wonder what it really takes to keep love alive long-term? Ever see happy couples and wonder what-the-hell their secret is? (I mean… Considering you’re ready to strangle your spouse… like, always). In the near two decades we’ve...

The post How We’ve...

Apr 18, 2016

Forgive yourself for past mistakes Forgive yourself for past mistakes Forgiveness, especially SELF-forgiveness, can be one of the most challenging concepts to grasp on the up and down road of personal development. How on earth are you supposed to forgive yourself for past mistakes?...

The post

Apr 11, 2016

How to Love Yourself How to Love Yourself How many times do you see an awesome, encouraging poster on Insta or Facebook and absent-mindedly click “like” without reeeeeally thinking about how to apply it to your life? How many times do you see those...

The post #WTF is Self-Love Anyway...

Apr 4, 2016

Ways to take care of yourself Ways to take care of yourself If you are a busy professional, student, or parent (or a blend), you surely know the slippery slope of being so caught up in your “to-do’s” that you easily lose sight of taking...

The post 4 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Your Self Care...