Feb 25, 2019
So, your boss is a micromanaging asshat. Or your parents were pretty assholey to you while you were growing up. Or maybe your ex pulled some seriously shady shit. And let’s just say that the idea of ‘forgiveness’ seems at the very least, laughable, and at the most, completely impossible.
Feb 18, 2019
We grow up buying into the idea that we are responsible for everyone else’s emotions. As we move into adulthood, that often looks like NOT bringing up important topics to your spouse, overlooking offensive comments from family, or allowing coworkers to walk all over you.
Quite simply, we...
Feb 11, 2019
Being alone.
It’s likely that those two words spark an emotion in you. If you’re a self-lovin’ introvert, those words may sound like heaven, but I would guess a majority of people view “being alone” as a negative and undesirable situation. Our society glorifies busy-ness and...
Feb 4, 2019
Let me guess. You’re absolutely miserable in your current J-O-B but you have no idea how to get out of this soul-sucking sitch. Or maybe you aren’t straight-up miserable, but you know you are wasting heaps of potential, spend most of your days bored as fuck, and would looooove to find...