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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jul 31, 2013

  Find yourself in a relationship where one of you struggles with committing? Wonder if it’s YOUR own shit or if it’s just not the right person for you? This pod explores five truth-seeking questions you can ask yourself to get through your commitment issues…...

The post TJJS:EP013: 5 Ways to Deal with Commitment...

Jul 24, 2013

  Ever feel like you are just killing time in your relationship? Settling in your job? Feeling like there is something better out there, but you feel super muddled about it in your head? Well, you are most certainly not alone. This pod explores tools...

The post TJJS:EP012: How to Not Settle – Hell Yes v. Hell No...

Jul 10, 2013

Ever feel like you get pumped up to accomplish a goal and then quickly lose steam and motivation? Well, you aren’t alone, my friend. This pod covers six concrete tips and tools to stay connected to your goals and desires and keep that motivation flame...

The post TJJS:EP011: 6 Ways to Stay Motivated appeared first on

Jul 3, 2013

Don’t worry! Your secret is safe with us! Listen, if you struggle with jealousy inside your relationship, congratulations, you are totally normal. And, all is not lost. This episode addresses where to start and what soul-searching is in order to get through this rough terrain....

The post TJJS:EP010: Help! I (We)...