Mar 12, 2018
We’ve all heard the popular phrase and song lyric, “All you need is
love”, but how factual is this statement really? Not very. A
romantic idea? For sure. But factual? I find that many people
falsely assume that if they are in love with someone, then
everything else should come really easily. Um… No.
In this episode, I dig into why being soul-mates or being madly in love with each other doesn’t always equal relationship success. Along with input from Mr. Smith, I delve into why emotions of “love” can lock us into blindness and cause relationship turmoil.
So what DO you need to keep a relationship thriving, happy, and healthy? I’m so very glad you asked, Buttercup. In this episode, I share five necessary components, other than love, that ensure success in intimate partnerships. Plus, these five components are all about shifts in focus, not massive time investments, so you pretty much have no excuse NOT to make your relationship totally badass. #yourewelcome
This pod explores:
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How ‘bout we make 2018 the year you finally learn to communicate with your partner so you can, um, have like, a happy relationship and stuff. Not to mention getting that sex life back on track! Um, yes please!
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It’s time to finally learn how to powerfully communicate, create mind-blowing intimacy, and really LOVE being in love. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR to get on The List! #yourewelcome#
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If you've been diggin' the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it's #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
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