Mar 8, 2021
Regardless if your parents were amazing or downright awful,
it is highly likely that there are certain things you experienced
as a child that have greatly impacted your current reality. And,
not necessarily in a positive way. Although we don’t realize it at
the time, we take in every bit of information from our parents,
form beliefs off of that information, and develop a complex system
of coping mechanisms.
So, maybe your mom always picked her body apart in front of you, so you developed the belief that you had to have a “perfect” body in order to be worthy. Or lovable. Or a “real woman”. And this belief led to you clinging to perfectionism around your relationship with your body. Or maybe your dad was constantly absent leading you to conclude that men in your life will abandon you. And now, in adulthood, you find yourself picking romantic partners who aren’t emotionally or physically available or searching for approval from your male co-workers.
Reckoning with the impact of your parents is no small feat and can stir up many uncomfortable thoughts and emotions. But, on the other side of that reckoning is unbelievable healing and freedom. Trust… we don’t dig up this shit for the fun of it. We do it to heal. To move to the other side. To access our worth and our happiness. In this episode, I share a three-part formula you can use to unpack the effects of your parents, begin to let go of the past, and access your “enoughness”.
This pod explores:
Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!
If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.
It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR to get on The List! #yourewelcome
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you’ve been diggin’ the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it’s #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR to join the group! #yourewelcome
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