Oct 23, 2017
You’ve been in the same industry for 20 years and you’re dying to make a change but you’re scared shitless to throw in the towel. Wouldn’t that mean you wasted two decades?
You’re not totally sure you’re getting your Master’s because it’s what YOU really want or if it’s because that’s what mom wants… or because it’s what a younger version of you wanted. Shit. What if you just don’t want that path any longer? Finish what you started? That’s what they say, right?
You’ve always wanted to pick up and move to a new country, but jesus, how stupid would it be to quit your six-fig job? But, you’re so damn good at what you do! But, then again, Italy is calling...
If you’ve faced any of these harrowing decisions (or something similar) you know what it can feel like to tow the line of QUIT or PERSEVERE. I mean… how do you know if you should stick with something or if you should just quit while you’re (sort of) ahead?
In this episode, I cover off six, specific tactics you can employ to make your decision faaaar easier. Plus, we already know what dad will say… But, with all due respect, it ain’t about Dad or your bestie or how much time or money you’ve invested. It’s time to get clear… for YOU. For your happiness. Your fulfillment.
This pod explores:
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