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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Jul 31, 2017


Tell me if any of this sounds familiar:

  • You constantly use the words "I can't afford it"
  • You often think things would be perfect just as soon as you had more money
  • You find yourself super jealous of peeps with money and think they must have done something slimy or shady to gain their wealth
  • Whenever you want something, you immediately think "I don't have enough money for that", and often shut down the possibility before it even starts
  • You are constantly trying to stay on top of your finances, but truth be told, you have no budget, no idea what you're spending, and feel like you never, ever have enough

If any of this sounds familiar, not to worry! Help is on the way! Mr. Smith and I have been working on getting our financial house in order over that last handful of years, and we're excited to bring you this two-part series on getting your shit straight with your money.

Whether you realize it or not, your "relationship" with money is much deeper than if you have enough to pay your bills or not. And, your relationship with money (as woo woo as it sounds) is dictating your wealth or lack thereof. Have a listen to part of 1 of this series where I discuss some simple steps you can take to completely change your money-magnet capabilities.

This pod explores:

  • How to figure out what your "money story" is, how it's holding you back from crazy wealth, and what you need to do to shift it... Because, riches.
  • What it really means to be "in a relationship" with money, how you may be massively abusive to your money, and what you can do to change this dynamic... Because, wealth.
  • How to separate shitty situations like unexpected home repairs, doctor bills, or speeding tickets from your relationship with money and why this is HUGELY important to your financial stability. Because, Moolah.



I'm soooooo thrilled to announce that I have opened The Joy Junkie After Hours Club and you are officially invited!

If you've been diggin' the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, camaraderie, discussions, and advice from moi! Plus, it's #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!

So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to join the group! #yourewelcome

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