Mar 5, 2018
Ever find yourself thinking, “If my husband would just get his shit together, this relationship would be fine”? Or maybe you find yourself keeping score? Like, if he isn’t initiating sex, why should I? Or, if he can’t pick up his shit, why should I? And, then maybe you do passive-aggressive moves like let dishes pile up for 3 weeks or some other shit to “prove a point”… which OF COURSE leads to a huge fight where you both blame each other. Hmmm. How did I know? Because you are sooooo not alone.
You wanna know why? Because no one ever taught you how to communicate in a healthy way. We learn most of our relationship habits from trial and error, our parental examples, or media… all of which suck. Well… your parents may not suck, but you get my point. We rarely have sound instruction on how to express our needs, how to communicate with one another, and how to resolve conflict. If you find yourself struggling in any of these areas, this episode will give you an arsenal of tools and ideas to make major changes in your relationship TODAY.
This pod explores:
Did you grab your free journaling worksheets that accompanies this episode? Get on it, Babycakes! Here's the deal: our brain takes things waaaaay more seriously when we get out of our heads and get our thoughts/commitments out on paper. It's like, science.
So, OF COURSE I want you to make some serious changes and get your relationSHIP together! Be sure you have your Pod #234 worksheets with you while you (re) listen to this pod so you can get into some serious action. Trust... if you just listen and don't DO, you're not going to change a damn thing.
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How ‘bout we make 2018 the year you finally learn to communicate with your partner so you can, um, have like, a happy relationship and stuff. Not to mention getting that sex life back on track! Um, yes please!
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It’s time to finally learn how to powerfully communicate, create mind-blowing intimacy, and really LOVE being in love. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR to get on The List! #yourewelcome#
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If you've been diggin' the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it's #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
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