Jun 18, 2018
You want to start your own biz, but you’re not sure you’re ‘good’
enough. You want to put your name in for the promotion, but you
often think, “I’m not experienced enough”. You want to go back to
school, but you often feel like you’re not young enough to start
over. No matter what the goal… there is this constant phrase on
loop in your mind… Not enough, not enough, not enough. UGH!
Sound familiar? If so, join the club. No, seriously. In my decade+ of working in personal development, I can tell you that the idea that “I’m not enough” is probably one of the most common, deep-seated beliefs people hold. And, the bitch of it all, is that it damn-near always stifles your growth and keeps you from going after what you really want in your life. In essence, feeling “not enough’ can contribute to a shit-ton of unnecessary heartache and unhappiness.
In this week’s show, I look at four concepts you can employ to bust out of feeling ‘less than’ and step into some serious worthiness and self-confidence. Get ready to shed that old belief and get into some serious life-changing action!
This pod explores:
Of course, you do! Registration NOW OPEN for my Mexico Retreat!
Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn some dope, life-changing shit? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for my brand-spankin’-new, all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Cancun, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!
[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!
This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you've been diggin' the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it's #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR to join the group! #yourewelcome
Check out www.FABFITFUN.com and use the code
junkie so you can save $10 off your first box,
making it only $39.99!! Treat yourself! #fabfitfunpartner
Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!