Dec 26, 2022
As we grow through our teen years into adulthood, it’s not uncommon to find a wealth of information about puberty, pregnancy, and infertility. Those transitions and obstacles are readily talked about and addressed. But, our shifts in hormones are clearly not done after our thirties and sadly, our society has done...
Dec 19, 2022
When told by older women that she would one day settle into her age and things would get easier, author Kaya Oakes thought, “Apparently at some point I would reach a magical age when I had ‘no fucks left to give.’ But no one had warned me that before I hit that magical age, I’d have to survive my forties.” If...
Dec 12, 2022
If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s or beyond, it’s likely you’ve been slapped in the face with the realization of how emphatically our society values youth and beauty. You’re cruisin’ along, building a career, maybe raising some kids, and then BOOM! Everything gets thrown out of whack, your eggs shrivel up,...
Dec 5, 2022
Even though the holiday season is supposed to be all merry and bright and full of glad tidings, it’s quite certain that you’ve found yourself engaged with total overwhelm, buckling from the stress, and dangerously approaching burnout. Although fun and festive, it can take a sheer act of god to keep you from losing...
Nov 28, 2022
Ever feel like you just can’t quite enjoy the holidays because you’re in the middle of an emotional shitstorm that seems to make the season trying, stressful, and overwhelming? Maybe it’s your first holiday after being newly divorced. Or maybe it’s the fifth Christmas without your beloved mother, and you can’t...