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The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast

Oct 16, 2017


Over 15 years ago, I sat in my doctor’s office explaining my obsessive and compulsive thought patterns, my debilitating worry, and my latest (and thrilling) symptom of dry-heaving. She kindly explained to me that if I continued on the same trajectory, it was likely that I would be dead from a heart attack by age thirty, or at the very least, have extreme stomach ulcers.

Bottom line: This anxiety disorder could take me out.

This wasn’t just a matter of being “a worry wort” or a “perfectionist” or all the other labels I had haphazardly thrown around to define my constant need to control and obsess on everything. This was a serious condition that was radically, and detrimentally, affecting the quality of my life.

In this week’s episode, I discuss what it really looks like to struggle with anxiety disorder, how to work through crippling panic attacks, and how to approach (or not) the journey of finding a medicinal solution. Struggling with anxiety doesn’t mean you can’t ever see an improvement in your reality. Have a listen and learn about everything you CAN do to get a handle on this obstacle in your life, because, honey, you are not a victim, you are a Survivor.

This pod explores:

  • The difference between situational anxiety and chronic anxiety and why that matters
  • How to set yourself up for success with regards to your triggers, support structure, and medication (And, we may or may not have an in-depth discussion about good ol’ Mary Jane)
  • My perspective on medication and the best advice I ever received about this journey
  • A handful of strategies to get you through the roughest of panic attacks



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